IPBN Newsletter 2001 – Vol 1
It is an honor to serve you through this outreach effort of the Institute for Plant Based Nutrition – a start-up charitable organization dedicated to spreading good news regarding vegetables, grains, fruits, roots, tubers, nuts, seeds, herbs, leaves and grasses in human diets. Plants nourish. Plants heal. Plants are affordable. Plants build soil, purify water and air, keep the planet habitable. Plants are good for us and the globe.
Who are we? Highly motivated, committed plant eaters and growers who bring over a century of life experience to this service. From coast to coast and globally we have lived or traveled and have like minded friends who have encouraged us to make this commitment. Ah, do we have friends! And have we had mentors. Scott and Helen Nearing helped steer us into this good life and we have also been touched by the model behaviors of Richard Buckminster Fuller, J. I. and Anna Rodale, Margaret Mead, Louis Bromfield, Rachel Carson, Euell Gibbons, A. C. Bhaktivedanta, Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Divine, Mahatma Gandhi, Ram Dass and others who have taught us to care for earth and its inhabitants. For them, family, friends and you, we are giving ourselves to this effort.
You may already have received our flyer or introductory letter, corresponded by fax or e-mail. Perhaps you have participated in one of
our plant-based food preparation demonstrations. A few of you have seen our tiny bio-intensive demonstration garden. But for most, this will be the first opportunity to share IPBN perspectives and we hope you will want further contact. Indeed, we seek your partnership and participation in developing a network of plant-based nutrition enthusiasts “across America and around the world.”
Will you join us in learning, researching and improving ourselves while helping others realize the values and benefits of simple, old-fashioned, tried and true plant based nutrition? With your collaboration and cooperation, enthusiasm and energy this effort can make significant contributions to human health and societal well-being. Together we can help many discover the values of plants in the good life.
People are waking up. Never before have we enjoyed such availability of high-quality produce and other plant-based foods. Will you help stir still greater interest in plant-based nutrition? If we can save one person from the miseries of a plant deficient lifestyle the whole world will be bettered and isn’t this what we want to do?
Like Daniel and his friends, we are scared. But, as they knew and demonstrated, a diet of plants and water will carry strivers through adversity. It’s just that simple: Beans, rice, and vegetables are not just sufficient. They are nutritious, beautiful, wonderful and aren’t we glad?
Help us remind the world. There is enough for everyone and health can be the norm if we breathe, exercise, drink and eat right. Let’s work together and demonstrate how lovely life can be with plant-based nutrition.
What will you do for this cause today?
Can you lead? Organize? Research? Write? Draw? Speak? Debate? Model? Demonstrate? Will you share this newsletter with others? This Winter, will you correspond and speak out on behalf of vegetables? Next Spring will you plant a small demonstration garden on a nearby site – and share the produce? In your family, community, organization, state, country, will you model the effects of plant based nutrition? (Get in shape. Breathe, drink, exercise and eat right?) If you haven’t, won’t you join at least one of the many fine organizations committed to plant-based nutrition? As needed and appropriate in your area, will you start a local organization, or a club at your place of work or institution, to discuss and sponsor events teaching the benefits of plant-based nutrition? And may we see, hear and share your letters, drawings, articles, recorded talks, and speeches? (Yes, we’ll also be pleased to view your videos.) As possible, let’s also share gardening knowledge, recipes, and – sooner or later – food at IPBN coordinated feasts.
Please subscribe and let PLANT-BASED NUTRITION serve you. We hope you enjoy this first issue and approve of its tone. We are positivists appreciative of this opportunity to share the good news.
Kindest regards and peace,
Jim and Dorothy Oswald
The IPBN Library has some duplicate copies which will be mailed gratis to the first four requesters who send a one-page essay on “Five A Day? Why I Eat At Least Ten Servings of Plant Foods Each Day.” The books, slightly used by serious readers: Frances More Lappe’, Diet for A Small Planet, 10th Anniversary Edition [“completely revised and updated] (1982), John and Mary McDougall, The McDougal Health and Weight Loss Class (1997)[Cover slightly damaged], Earl Mindell, Earl Mindell’s Soy Miracle [Westbrae WestSoy Soymilk sponsored edition] (1995) and Debra Wasserman and Reed Mangels, Vegan Handbook [From the Vegetarian Resource Group] (1996). If possible, and only with explicit permission from the author, we will print these essays or excerpts in subsequent issues of PLANT-BASED NUTRITION.
The American Dietetic Association has issued a 1997 Nutrition Trends Survey which can be obtained through ADA, 216 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60606 (312-899-0040). Also, request position papers on plant-based nutrition.
To develop a new food tolerance and preference typically requires about ten trials. “It takes about ten introductions to a new food “ to establish a new habit according to Althea Zanecosky R.D. (A.D.A.) speaking as a professional dietician on “Radio Times” (NPR), September 8, 1997.
“American households spend more than one-third of their total food expenses on food away from home….” (The Wall Street Journal, September 8, 1997.)
“Only 20% of children eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day. School lunches include at least one fruit or vegetable every day, but often lunches packed at home don’t include any. Try these kid-tested favorites: Fill celery sticks with peanut butter and dot with raisins. Smear peanut butter between apple slices.” (The Wall Street Journal, September 10, 1997.)
These tips are “a public service of Con Agra Inc., makers of Healthy Choice” which invites internet users to contact www.healthychoice.com
For information and extensive publications relating to plant-based nutrition contact AHA, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX (214-373-6300 TEL, 214-706-1341 FAX).
In “Lunchroom Revolution” Energy Times, September 1997, Catherine Heusel reviews the history of the United States Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program which commenced as experimental local efforts in the 1930s and was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman in 1946.
“For almost half a century, the NSLP continued virtually unchanged, providing …six ounces of vegetables and/or fruits… “ daily to “millions of children.” Over the years “hunger and overt malnutrition yielded to ‘overnutrition’” as “obesity linked to too much dietary fat and too little exercise grew into the most prevalent juvenile concerns.” In 1995, USDA launched an attempt at its “first large-scale reform” through its “School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children” aimed toward conformity with its “Dietary Guidelines for Americans (as illustrated in the USDA Food Guide Pyramid)….” Enter USDA’s “’Team Nutrition,’ a multi-disciplinary education program to provide technical assistance and training to food service” personnel.”
And so it goes.
For a copy of this excellent well-written article, send a self-addressed number ten envelope containing one dollar in loose stamps to cover photocopying and postage to: Institute for Plant Based Nutrition, 333 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2606.
Thanks to Energy Times for granting us permission to share this article with you. If this publication is not available at your local health food store, contact the publisher for free subscription information: ENERGY TIMES, 2500 Grand Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90815-1764. (Please mention IPBN.)
We asked Don Pectol to make more dried vegetable products available for serious survivalists and others who want plant-based foods available in convenient, storable forms. He has amazed and pleased us with his current catalog of alternatives. Thank you, Don. For a few examples consider “whole grains and beans…gardenseeds…broccoli…carrots/diced…corn/sweet…beans/green…onions/chopped……sweet garden peas…diced potatoes…potato flakes” and “peach flavored apple flakes…apple drink mix…apple slices…applesauce…banana slices…fruit mix…orange drink mix…peach drink mix…raisins/golden…strawberry flavored apple flakes.” And he offers a “kitchen Sprouter Set” along with “Sprouting Seeds.” Need a manual “Wheat Grass Juicer” or “Apple/Potato Peeler, Corer, Slicer”? Of course, he has more, 48 pages of choices with a respectable range of plant-based nutrition options. For additional information call Don at 1-800-999-1863, internet www.beprepared.com, or write EMERGENCY ESSENTIALS, 165 South Mountain Way Drive, Orem, UT 84058-5119.
The influence of a beautiful, helpful, hopeful character is contagious.
Eleanor H. Porter
(Quotation found on a “Lemon Zinger” herbal tea packet from Celestial Seasonings, Inc., 4600 Sleepytime Drive, Boulder, CO 80301-3292. Here’s an honorable entrepreneurial herb merchant with much to teach us all.)
Irradiation is “a safe, effective technology…already permitted by the United States Food and Drug Administration for…fruits, vegetables, spices and grains” according to Steve Forbes in “Fact and Comment,” Forbes, September 22, 1997, p. 27
(www.forbes.com). Safe? Effective? Already Permitted by FDA? We didn’t know.
Are you sure?
“A safe, effective technology” is not the same as “the safest and most effective technology.” That’s what we’re looking for. What’s best? What’s best for the consumer, processors, producers, fruits, vegetables, spices, and grains?
“The fact is, the …fruit, vegetable, and other industries got the federal go-ahead to irradiate their products years ago, yet there have been few takers. Why? Perhaps companies don’t want to make the huge investment in a strange new technology or risk accidental exposure of their workers to radiation. Or perhaps they don’t want to jeopardize sales due to flavor changes or nutrient losses. Or perhaps they suspect that consumers want food that is free of fecal matter, whether the germs it harbors are dead or alive.”
(“Your Food May Need A Good Bath,” in Letters to the Editor, The Wall Street Journal, September 12, 1997, p. A23.)
Who wrote that?
Thank you, Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., Executive Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, DC.
“Removes E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and other bacteria after 30 seconds in laboratory testing. Enhances the removal of surface pesticides. Naturally derived from fruit and coconut extracts. Works instantly -spray on and wash off.” Of course harvesting those coconuts could be dangerous. Wear helmets harvesters.
Who’ll donate a bottle for Steve?
Might Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap work as well? Who’ll research this?
Far Reaching Communications will send you four one-hour audiocassettes for $24.95 including postage. “The Vegetarian Chronicles” interviews individuals who describe their dietary reasoning and debates food choices, educating and entertaining in a light-hearted, debonair way. [NPR style format.] Call 1-800-LISTENS if you have an interest in ordering, and consider donating a set to your local library.
Family discussion material interestingly put.
Peanut butter is to peanuts as tahini is to sesame seeds. Why not mix them for variety?
Feed your blender dried seaweed and herbs, then mix the flakes with nutritional yeast, flax, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Carry the mix in a plastic bag, tin or jar. Use this topping in salads and on spaghetti marinara. Restaurant servers will request taste samples; many of ours have promised to go home and make it themselves.
Helen Nearing gave us this one: Quarterfill a jar with fresh blueberries, then pour boiling water over the top. Put on a lid and ring. Twist tight. She was not one to go on and on.
Blend a can of garbanzo beans to a puree. Add the herbs you like. Lemon juice will make it tart. Garlic is traditional. So are tahini (sesame seed puree) and parsley (fresh or dried). Paprika is nice. Cayenne? A little seaweed. If you need oil, use the one you prefer. Thick or thin, as you like it, this is hummus. Slather on bread, crackers, vegetable slices. Try the same with other kinds of beans. Hummus blends well with roasted red peppers Great for sandwiches, dipping and pouring over anything edible. A spoonful before bedtime can be exquisite.
Have a look at this internet website – http://www.vegsource.org/klaper/study.htm
for information on health and nutrition related research being conducted by Michael Klaper, M.D. [This website also briefs you on the works of EarthSave and Howard Lyman.] You may wish to participate and offer support for this baseline research effort. The aim is to gather hard scientific data, reliable and replicable, on effects of plant-based nutrition among humans.
Cornell University’s Colin Campbell, Ph.D., has educated us regarding correlations between diet and health among people in the vast provinces of China. It seems that plant-based nutrition has real, not imagined, benefits.
John McDougall, M.D., Mary McDougall and the McDougall children have demonstrated how quickly benefits can begin when one switches to a plant based diet. (For books, audio and video cassettes, television and radio shows, newsletter, personal appearances and quick preparation foods contact: The McDougalls, PO Box 14039, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 (800-570-1654 or 707-576-1654 TEL, 707-576-3313 FAX).
Updates on what’s going on in the plant-based nutrition movement
More references to growers, processors, distributors and retailers of wholesome foods from the plant kingdom
Addresses of associations and societies which serve plant-based nutrition education
Recipes which are easy and practical
Interpretations of the good news
God willing, and with your encouragement, there can be more pages in Spring, Summer, and Fall. IPBN membership, $12.00 per the calendar year, provides outreach activities and four issues of PLANT-BASED NUTRITION, a newsletter for people everywhere.
Pray and work for world peace.
American Vegan Society, 501 Old Harding Highway, Malaga, NJ 08328 (609-694-2887 TEL) Ahimsa
Australian Vegetarian Society of New South Wales, PO Box 65, Paddington, NSW, Australia 2021 (02-9698-4339 TEL, 02-9310-5365 FAX) {avs@moreinfo.com.au Email}
Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, PO Box 48, Suite 100, 300 East Lancaster Avenue, Wynnewood, PA 19096-0048 (610-642-4810 TEL) Immune Perspectives, quarterly
Center for Science in the Public Interest, Suite 300, 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009-5728 (202-265-4954 FAX) {circ@cspinet.org Email} [www:cspinet.org Website] Since 1971. Nutrition Action, ten issues annually
EarthSave, 706 Frederick Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (800-362-3648 TEL) [In transition, moving to Louisville, KY.]
Newsletter, Healthy School Lunch Program
Farm Sanctuary -East, PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 (607-583-2225 TEL) Farm Sanctuary-West, PO Box 1065, Orland, CA (916-865-4617 TEL) Sanctuary News, quarterly
Institute for Plant Based Nutrition, 333 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2606
(610-667-6876 TEL, 610-667-1501 FAX) {jmoswald@bellatlantic.net Email} Since 1996.
International Vegetarian Union, PO Box 38.130, Madrid, Spain 28080 (34-1-331-99-60 TEL, 34-1-332-14-16 FAX) {frmartin@ctv.es Email} Membership includes sub-membership in Vegetarian Union of North America. [Howard Lyman, president] Since 1908. IVU News, quarterly
MACRO CHEF, MacroNews, 243 Dickinson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215-551-1430 TEL, 215-551-9498 FAX) Six issues annually
Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, RR 1, PO Box 78, Franklin, ME {mcsv@acadia.net Email} [Larch Hansen harvests sea vegetables in an unpainted boat he coats with vegetable oil.]
Circle of Friends, seasonally
Natural Health, 17 Station Street, Brookline, MA 02146 (Subscription 800-526-8440 , Editorial 617-232-1000 TEL)
Six issues annually
Nearing Forest Farm, The Good Life Center, PO Box 11, Harborside, ME 04642.
North American Vegetarian Society, PO Box 72, Dolgeville, NY 13329 (518-568-7970) Since 1974. Vegetarian Voice, quarterly
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 501 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 23510 (757-622-7382 TEL) [http://envirolink.org/arrs/peta Website] Animal Times, quarterly
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
5100 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 404, Washington, DC 20016 (202-686-2210 TEL, 202-686-2216 FAX)
Good Medicine, quarterly
Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 522, Washington, DC 20036 [School Lunch Program advocates]
Shepherd’s Garden Seeds, 30 Irene Street, Torrington, CT 06790 (860-482-3638 TEL) Narrative catalog with recipes
Since 1945. LIFELINES, Six issues annually Toronto Vegetarian Association, 736 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2R4 (416-533-3897 TEL)
Vegan Action, PO Box 4353, Berkeley, CA 94704 (510-843-6343 TEL) {vegan@mellers1.psych.berkeley.edu Email}
Vegan Outreach, 10410 Forbes Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 (412-247-3527 TEL){mba@andrew.cmu.udu Email} [http://envirolink.org/arrs/vo Website] Vegan Outreach
Vegan Standards and Certification Project, 91Jaralemon Street, Suite 4, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718-246-0014 TEL, 718-246-5912 FAX) {VeganStandards.org Email} [www.veganstandards.org Website]
Vegetarian Resource Group, PO Box 1473, Baltimore, MD 21203 (410-366-8343 TEL, 410-366-8804 FAX {vrg@vrg.org Email} [http://www.vrg.org Website]
Vegetarian Journal, six issues annually
VEGGIE LIFE, EGW Publishing Company, 1041 Shary Circle, Concord, CA 94518[http://www.veggielife.com Website] Six issues annually
Vegetarian TIMES, 4 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905 (800-829-3340 Subscriptions, 800-829-3340 Editorial, 203-322-2900 Business TEL, 203-322-1966 FAX) [http://www.vegetariantimes.com Website] monthly
The Vegetarian Society, Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, United Kingdom WA142BR (0161-962-9182 FAX) Since 1842. The Vegetarian, quarterly
a newsletter for people everywhere
Volume II, Number 1, Winter 1998
No Winter here. It’s almost February. No snow. It’s hitting north, west, and south. Somehow, every storm misses us this year. We remember vicious ice and blizzards such as we’ve been reading about. Even balmy New Jersey has had it worse than our area – coastal flooding and beach erosion. But for us, this is an amazingly benign January. We’ve seen snow here at the end of June.
IPBN Demonstration Garden One is providing winter kale, cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprout leaves. We’ve had some delicious soups and salads.
Garden catalogs have been arriving since this new calendar year began. Colorful, big, thick, beautiful picture books – and we’re learning, as usual, from the plant descriptions our horticultural expert friends have printed along with the photos which have us dreaming of the bounteous season to follow. These have long been textbooks for us. This year we’ll try to grow plants that look as good as the ones in the catalogs and advertisements. They have our mouths watering for April lettuces, May rhubarb, June blueberries, July corn, August tomatoes and September peaches.
Our blessings are many. Readers have responded wonderfully. Almost four thousand copies of the first newsletter, PBN, I,1, have been circulating and twice that many flyers. Our mail deliveries are growing as people connect with IPBN from all over America. Thank you for cards and letters, email, faxes, books to review, videos, telephone calls, nice notes with suggestions and 1998 Charter Membership checks. It is the quality, of responses which delight us most and the quantity is respectable for a start-up effort. The membership list can only be described as highly respectable. We are awed. There have been “donations” and a “scholarship fund” has been initiated. The Internal Revenue Service has approved tax-exempt charitable educational scientific not-for-profit 503 (c) (3) association status for IPBN. We appreciate everyone who has helped get this new organization up and running.
The IPBN network is coast-to-coast and we have a couple of supporters in Canada. Look out Mexico, we seek readers – and translators – everywhere possible. Latin America, with volunteer help we’ll be on the way soon as possible. We have a Brazilian relative who may give us some advice in Portuguese. Our IPBN Board of Advisors is multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and includes a bus driver along with several healthcare specialties. More nice people serving nice people.
Check out the IPBN website. WOW. Our first reaction was: “LOVEIT!” A former secretary faxed, “I love your website!” (She sent us two packets of fennel, one of sunflower seeds and a certificate for two weeks of lessons at Arthur Murray Dance Studios). She’s full of life and so is this website. It has color and real action. Plant pictures, plant text and plant people. The designer, a new father in Maryland, advised: “Hold onto your seat.” He sought to create the “hottest vegan site on the web.” How’d he do? It’s lively and freely accessible globally through the internet at https://plantbased.org anytime. Also, visit the linked sites which are provided to expand your horizons conveniently. Enjoy.
In March we’ll host a visitor (28) from the Kazak republic whose wife says of our vegan food “It will be good for him.” Victor wants to learn about “health foods” and we’re ready for him. In the same month, we’ll intermittently feed a Russian (50) “vegetarian.” Pray for them. Send letters of condolence, for we are going to overfeed and entice them to try every vegan food choice, visit every vegan restaurant, loan them every vegan book and tell every vegan joke we know of. They’ll have stories about nutraceuticals, phytoceuticals and funny Americans to tell when they return to their homes in April. Maybe they’ll translate issues of PBN into Russian and Kazak. We aim to entice them into return visits and probably they’ll want to learn what’s going on where you live. Your letters will be relayed to them.
Oh, life is good. We thoroughly enjoyed the people, programs and food at Whole Foods EXPO-East in Baltimore, Maryland in October; D.C. VegeFest and Vegetarian Union of North America meeting in Arlington, Virginia as well as Boston Vegetarian Food Festival in November; Vegetable Growers Association of New Jersey, Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association and Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey Fruit Growers Association meetings in January. December? Friends keep us posted on the goings-on in Amarillo, Texas where we are headed in March, and along the way, we may stop in Dallas for a Vegetable growers conference, possibly even make it to EXPO-West in Anaheim, California. We heard there was a huge vegetarian conference in Las Vegas, but know no details of it. Can you educate us regarding it and other gatherings of importance? Though we can’t be everywhere, we’ll go wherever we can and know that along with us, you and others will be looking out for and representing plant-based nutrition at most of the get together on this continent. Maybe we can meet at the American Vegan Society and North American Vegetarian Society annual conferences in July in Oregon and Pennsylvania.
Meanwhile, let’s plant gardens where there haven’t been any and grow edible plants for our personal nutritional improvement as well as surplus to give away. Besides love, is there a better gift than food? Vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, roots, tubers, grains, grasses, leaves, and herbs are even better when shared.
This issue is loaded with information we hope interests you. Gleaned from a seven-foot pile of reading the material, it’s selected and phrased in hopes of interesting you and leading you into still further adventures with plant-based nutrition. Thank you for being our friends and helping birth IPBN.
Peace and love to each of you,
Jim and Dorothy
Believe it or not, the 7-11 Corporation is moving into healthier foods and has contracted to retail Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods. Hurrah! Congratulations to everyone who has worked to bring about this wonderful situation. Yay McDougalls. Thanks 7-11.
Quick as we can, everyone pleased should go to the nearest 7-11 store and purchase at least one of these healthy products. We did, they’re there. Should the local manager not yet have ordered and stocked these plant-based nutritional food products, a gentle suggestion regarding their availability will probably be appreciated. Merchants respond to requests and market demands. So let’s tell our friends the virtues of these products and having them accessible at mass market food outlets.
Which suggests that a “gentle suggestion” might also be made to each of the managers of local supermarkets and other chain stores which sell food products. K-Mart? Sam’s? Safeway? Acme? Giant? And do your area health food stores carry Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods? Maybe you’ll put in a good word….
Why go all out for Dr. McDougall? Because he’s a straight-arrow strong supporter of plant based nutrition? Look how he has given himself to improving all people’s health through his medical practice, books, lectures, even vegan cruises, and field trips. He’ll do anything to help his family, patients and friends get healthy and stay fit. Lately, he’s following the advice of the physical trainer he’s long referred patients to. Dr. McDougall follows his own advice. Have you met him yet? Seen his presentations? He’s good. We think he gets better each presentation. In one hilarious video, he approached the order window of a well known fast food merchandiser and ordered a “Burger without….” When he finished listing the items to be deleted, there wouldn’t have been much left. Tomatoes, lettuce and onions as we remember. He teaches through examples and bases every factual statement on scientific research. He’s a champion – and with a sense of humor. So how can we not go all out to help Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods get a good start?
Need more persuasion? The doctor began his health consciousness when a heart attack struck him, at 18. It cost him much of the use of his left arm and awakened him to the reality that fat is not healthy. In lectures, he often describes what he was eating in those days and how he learned that excess cholesterol was not a friend. After medical school, he again learned from experience as low-income agricultural laborers in Hawaii demonstrated the virtues of beans and rice through their lean healthy bodies and longevity. The young doctor saw some patients healthier than himself. Consider that as a family man John McDougall early on involved wife Mary in his health career, and they have involved all … McDougall kids in their joint enterprises. Yes, McDougalls eat vegan foods, day and night – at home, in restaurants, and on vacations. Let’s call it the McDougall experiment. Using human subjects, themselves, these researchers are laying out a simple pathway which any one of us can easily follow. Every one of these McDougalls is a champion. Let’s recognize them for the noble vegan warrior educators they are.